
This study investigates a quantized feedback design problem for distributed adaptive leader-following consensus of uncertain strict-feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with state quantizers. It is assumed that all system nonlinearities of followers are unknown and heterogeneous, all state variables of each follower are quantized by a uniform state quantizer, and quantized states of followers are only communicated under a directed network. Compared with previous approximation-based distributed consensus tracking methods for uncertain lower triangular multiagent systems, the main contribution of this article is addressing the distributed quantized state communication problem in the adaptive leader-following consensus tracking field of uncertain lower triangular multiagent systems. A quantized-states-based local adaptive control law for each follower is derived by designing quantized-signals-based weight tuning laws for neural-network-based function approximators. By analyzing the boundedness of the local quantization errors, it is shown that the total closed-loop signals are uniformly ultimately bounded and the consensus tracking errors converge to a sufficiently small domain around the origin. Finally, simulation examples, including multiple ship steering systems, are considered to verify the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical approach.

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