
This article deals with a distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) setup arising in several control applications. Agents of a network aim to minimize the sum of local linear cost functions subject to both individual constraints and a linear coupling constraint involving all the decision variables. A key, challenging feature of the considered setup is that some components of the decision variables must assume integer values. The addressed MILPs are NP-hard, nonconvex, and large-scale. Moreover, several additional challenges arise in a distributed framework due to the coupling constraint, so that feasible solutions with guaranteed suboptimality bounds are of interest. We propose a fully distributed algorithm based on a primal decomposition approach and an appropriate tightening of the coupling constraint. The algorithm is guaranteed to provide feasible solutions in finite time. Moreover, asymptotic and finite-time suboptimality bounds are established for the computed solution. Monte Carlo simulations highlight the extremely low suboptimality bounds achieved by the algorithm.

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