
Recent works in aerial robotics show that the self-organized and cohesive flight of swarms can emerge from the exchange of purely local information between neighboring agents. However, most of the current swarm models are not capable of flight in densely cluttered environments. Predictive models have the potential to incorporate safe collision avoidance capabilities and give the agents the ability to anticipate and synchronize their trajectories in real-time. Here, we propose a distributed predictive swarm model that generates self-organized, safe, and cohesive trajectories by solving an optimization problem in real-time. In simulation, we show that our method is scalable to large numbers of agents and suitable for deployment in different environments, specifically a forest and a funnel-like environment. Furthermore, our results show that the agents are capable of collision-free flight with noisy sensor measurements for a noise level of up to 70% of the magnitude of the agent safety distance. Real-world experiments with a swarm of up to 16 quadrotors in an indoor artificial environment validate our method. Supplementary Materials can be found at <uri xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5245214</uri> .


  • T HE synergistic flight of multiple aerial robots can enable many real-world applications in industries such as mapping, agriculture, search and rescue, and construction [1]–[5]

  • In our previous work [20], we showed that the collective behavior of biological swarms could be reproduced with an NMPC (Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (MPC)) model

  • We show its scalability in the swarm size and its robustness to noise by systematically analyzing the swarm performance at different agents number and noise levels

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T HE synergistic flight of multiple aerial robots can enable many real-world applications in industries such as mapping, agriculture, search and rescue, and construction [1]–[5]. To bring drone swarms from research laboratories to the real world, they should be capable of integrating the environment safely [6]–[8]. Natural collectives, such as fish or birds, show that coordinated navigation can be achieved by decentralized decisionmaking [9]–[12]. Decentralized control presents a key advantage for the swarm compared to centralized control While the latter relies on a central computing node, the former is shared among all agents, thereby improving robustness against one individual’s failure [2], [7], [14], [15].

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