
Hop-constrained s-t simple path (HC-s-t path) enumeration is a fundamental problem in graph analysis and has received considerable attention recently. Straightforward distributed solutions are inefficient and suffer from poor scalabiltiy when addressing this problem in billion-scale graphs due to the disability of pruning fruitless exploration or huge memory consumption. Motivated by this, in this paper, we aim to devise an efficient and scalable distributed algorithm to enumerate the HC-s-t paths in billion-scale graphs. We first propose a new hybrid search paradigm tailored for HC-s-t path enumeration. Based on the new search paradigm, we devise a distributed enumeration algorithm following the divide-and-conquer strategy. The algorithm can not only prune fruitless exploration, but also well bound the memory consumption with high parallelism. We also devise an effective workload balance mechanism that is automatically triggered by the idle machines to handle skewed workloads. Moreover, we explore the bidirectional search strategy to further improve enumeration efficiency. The experiment results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed algorithm.

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