
Abstract: The volumes of information created and saved in operating systems are growing at an alarming rate these days. Between all of these devices, massive volumes of essential and sensitive files are transmitted. As a result, ensuring the protection of all of these irreplaceable data is critical. Cryptography is a well-known method for ensuring data security. Cryptography's main goal is to transmitthe information from the source to the destination in the most secure method possible, preventing an adversary from extracting the actual datainformation. This research suggests a novel cryptographic algorithm depending on DNA encryption and the notion of restricted automata. The system consists of three components: cryptographic keys, a generator, a transmitter, and a transceiver. Based on the features of the receiver, the transmitter generates a 256-bit DNA-based secret key, which is used to encrypt information. The DNA sequence is then coded using a procedurally generated Mealy machine, that provides the ciphertext more safe. The suggested approach can defend the system from a variety of security attacks. This technique has provenits capacity to provide an individual user with better safe storage by dividing the user's vital information into bits.

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