
As this is the first column I am editing, I would like to sincerely thank Jennifer Welch for inviting me as editor, and for being extremely helpful with the transition. I will do my best to maintain the very high standard set for the column by her, and by the previous editors. Following custom, the December issue is devoted to a review of some notable events related to distributed computing which occurred during the year. First, congratulations to Alessandro Panconesi and Aravind Srinivasan for being awarded the 2019 Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing for their paper “Randomized Distributed Edge Coloring via an Extension of the Chernoff-Hoeffding Bounds," which appeared in the SIAM Journal on Computing in 1997. The prize is jointly sponsored by ACM and EATCS, and is given alternately at PODC and DISC; this year it was awarded at DISC.

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