
We present efficient distributed algorithms for the Tree Pattern Matching problem. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first distributed algorithms of this nature. Tree pattern matching is a fundamental operation in many programming task such as code optimization and automated theorem proving, and has a number of applications in distributed systems. We present both a top-down and bottom-up algorithm for linear tree pattern matching (where any variable occurs at most once in the pattern) for the case in which the subject tree is completely distributed as a node per processor. The pattern is assumed to reside within the local memory of each processor. Let the subject tree have n nodes and height h s , and the pattern m nodes and height h p . The top-down algorithm has bit complexity O(n log m h p ) and time complexity O(h s ), while the bottom-up algorithm has bit complexity O(n h p ) and time complexity O(h p ). However, the bottom-up algorithm requires preprocessing of the subject and pattern trees. An efficient extension of these distributed algorithms to the case of multiple patterns is also given.

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