
This study aimed to determine the marketing distribution channel to analyze the absorption of paprika from the farmer in Baturiti district to the last costumers to calculate the marketing margins obtained in each distribution channel. This research was conducted in July-August 2018. This study used purposive sampling survey. There are five distribution channels of paprika from the farmer in Baturiti regency to the last costumers namely: 1st line (Farmer ? Traditional Market Trader ? costumers), 2nd line (Farmer ? Local Collector ? City Collector? Consumer), 3rd line (Farmer ? Local Collector ? City Collector? Costumer), 4th line (Farmer ? City Collector? Consumer), 5th line (Farmer ? City Collector? Consumer). The distribution shows that the rate market of paprika and farmer produce 2.655 monthly. Absorption of paprika rate that is distributed by farmer to local collector, city collector, and traditional market are 25,6 percent, 38,8 percent, 35,6 percent. Paprika that is distributed by local collector to city collector and traditional market are 19,6 percent them 6 percent. City collector obtain 58,4 percent paprika from farmer and local collector then later distribute 29,8 percent, 21,5 percent, 7,1 percent the paprika to each hotel or restaurant, supermarket, and traditional market. City collect obtain 58,4 percent paprika for faram and local collect then later distribution the to hotel or restaurant, supermarket and traditional market by the percentage of 29,8 percent, 21,5 percent, 7,1 percent respectively. Based on the five lanes determined in this study, lane III is the longest distribution, but the lane has the highest marketing margin and profit margin, lane III and V. Line I is the shortest distribution path of the five lanes, and has a marketing margin and lowest profit because the marketing costs incurred are small and the selling price at the final consumer level is also the lowest among the other five lines.


  • Paprika dengan nama latin Capsicum Annuum var Grossum ini termasuk kedalam jenis horticultural sayuran yang merupakan salah satu komoditas utama ekspor horticultural Indonesia

  • calculate the marketing margins obtained in each distribution channel

  • The distribution shows that the market level of paprika and farmers

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Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Baturiti Tabanan mencakup pendistribusian sayur paprika mulai dari petani, pengepul, suplayer, konsumen. Penentuan daerah penelitian ditentukan secara purposive sampling dengan pertimbangan bahwa lokasi penelitian merupakan daerah yang cukup banyak terdapat petani sayur paprika. Waktu penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Juli sampai agustus 2018

Populasi dan Sampel Penelitian
Gambaran Umum Lokasi Penelitian
Jalur distribusi Sayur Paprika di Kecamatan Baturiti
Jalur III Jalur V
Jalur Distribusi Serapan Sayur Paprika
Rumah Tangga Perkotaan
Pelaku Usaha
Kg Persen
Hotel dan Restoran
Margin Pemasaran dan Margin Keuntungan Setiap Jalur Distribusi
Daftar Pustaka
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