
The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of red brocket deer (<em>Mazama temama</em>) in Puebla, through a field sample, based on literature references and interviews with people related to the species. This sampling was performed by linear path quadrants with variable length and width fixed to determine the presence of deer through direct observation (seeing animals) and indirect observation (footprints, <em>feces</em>, bark rubbing or captive animals). The regional distribution was obtained from the information generated at sites that corroborated the presence of temazate, using Geographic Information System (GIS) using the Arc View 3.2 program. The GIS results suggest that the deer is distributed in the Totonacapan and the western area of the Sierra Norte and in the eastern part of the Sierra Negra, covering a total area of 99,410.96 ha. The similarity index (95.2) in both Sierras, by direct evidence or traces, indicates presence and similar distribution of red brocket deer, agreeing with the results of the GIS. We conclude that the regional distribution of red brocket deer in Puebla is concentrated in 42 municipalities of the Sierra Norte and east of the Sierra Negra.

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