
Large groups of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are common in the North Mexican Caribbean and gather between May and September each year. We describe their spatial and temporal distribution, and the physicochemical (temperature, dissolved oxygen, light extinction coefficient and salinity) and biological conditions during the presence and absence seasons of R. typus. A total of 26 sampling stations were monitored to record whale shark sightings and physicochemical variables during 10 field campaigns from April 2005 to March 2006. At each station, zooplankton and water samples, for chlorophyll-a and nutrients determination, were collected. Physicochemical conditions were significantly different between presence-absence seasons (ANOSIM, Rglobal = 0.632). The R. typus season was characterized by low salinity values, and higher temperature, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen and inorganic nitrogen concentrations values. Average zooplankton biomass was lower during the absence season, while recorded the maximum values during the presence one. Furthermore, these values were also observed in areas with higher species abundances, supporting the hypothesis that the site is used by R. typus primarily as a foraging area. We conclude that physicochemical conditions of the study area promote the biological productivity, which explains the spatial and temporal variability of R. typus.


  • El tiburón ballena Rhincodon typus (Smith 1828), el pez más grande del mundo, alcanza una longitud entre 16 y 18m y hasta 34 toneladas de peso

  • We describe their spatial and temporal distribution, and the physicochemical (temperature, dissolved oxygen, light extinction coefficient and salinity) and biological conditions during the presence and absence seasons of R. typus

  • Linnestad (Consultado: 1 Setiembre 2008, http://www.domino.conanp. gob.mx/reul2005.htm)

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Área de estudio: El área de estudio comprende la región marina ubicada al norte del Caribe mexicano y sureste del Golfo de México (Fig. 1), la cual constituye una zona de transición entre el Golfo de México y el Mar Caribe. La zona se caracteriza por tres estaciones climáticas: seca (marzo a mayo) caracterizada por baja precipitación (0-50mm); lluvias (junio-octubre) con alta precipitación (>500mm) y la época de nortes y frentes fríos (noviembre-febrero) con precipitación moderada (20-50mm), vientos fuertes (50-90km/h) y bajas temperaturas (

Mar Caribe
Ago May
Biomasa Zooplanctónica
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