
The search for supersymmetry at Run 1 of LHC has resulted in gluino mass limits m(gluino)>~ 1.3 TeV for the case where m(gluino)<<m(squark) and in models with gaugino mass unification. The increased energy and ultimately luminosity of LHC13 will explore the range m(gluino)~ 1.3-2 TeV. We examine how the discovery of SUSY via gluino pair production would unfold via a comparative analysis of three LSP archetype scenarios: 1. mSUGRA/CMSSM model with a bino-like LSP, 2. charged SUSY breaking (CSB) with a wino-like LSP and 3. SUSY with radiatively-driven naturalness (RNS) and a higgsino-like LSP. In all three cases we expect heavy-to-very-heavy squarks as suggested by a decoupling solution to the SUSY flavor and CP problems and by the gravitino problem. For all cases, initial SUSY discovery would likely occur in the multi-b-jet + ETMISS channel. The CSB scenario would be revealed by the presence of highly-ionizing, terminating tracks from quasi-stable charginos. As further data accrue, the RNS scenario with 100-200 GeV higgsino-like LSPs would be revealed by the build-up of a mass edge/bump in the OS/SF dilepton invariant mass which is bounded by the neutralino mass difference. The mSUGRA/CMSSM archetype would contain neither of these features but would be revealed by a buildup of the usual multi-lepton cascade decay signatures.

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