
Music analysis can be seen from the perspective of data mining, aiming to discover succinct patterns that are distinctive: occurring with significantly higher probability in an analysis piece as compared with an anticorpus. In this paper, a computational inductive method for maximally general distinctive pattern discovery in music is developed. The method is applied to the first movement of Brahms’ String Quartet No. 1 in C minor, with the first movements of String Quartets Nos. 2 and 3 used as an anticorpus. The set of patterns discovered represent most of the structures independently proposed by Forte [A. Forte, Motivic design and structural levels in the first movement of Brahms's string quartet in C minor, Music. Quart. 69 (1983), pp. 471–502], including a proposed musical cryptogram, and three new motives are also discovered. The results show that pattern discovery can be a powerful tool for computational music analysis.

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