
This research has aimed to identify the elements of motor coordination for the goalkeepers of football, in addition to extract the distinctive function which is used in classifying the goalkeepers, the sesiety of the research has consisted of the goalkeepers of the (12) Baghdad teams participating in the Iraqi elite tournaments during 2011-2012 consisting of (36) goalkeeper, while the sample of the research has consisted (7) teams in the amount of (3) goalkeeper one to reach the number into (21) one (58,33%), the discrimination analysis has been used for classification, and the classification equation has been reached. The researchers have concluded to: The equation of discrimination function has been reached which were by 10 variables for the purpose of classification and selection among the goalkeepers (fundamentals, alternatives). The researchers have recommended as following: Taking up the discrimination function in classification and selection for the goalkeepers of football.


  • ‫هدف البحث الى التعرف على مكونات القدرة التوافقية الحركية لدى ح ارس المرمى بكرة القدم فضلا عن استخ ارج الدالةة‬ ‫) الممةاركون‬12 ‫التمييزية التي تستخدم في تصنيف ح ارس المرمةى ومةمل مجتمة البحةث علةى حة ارس المرمةى ةنديةة باةداد ال‬ ‫ اما عينةة البحةث فقةد امةتملت‬، ‫) حارس مرمى‬36 ‫)والبالغ عددهم‬2012 – 2011 ‫في دوري النخبة الع ارقي للموسم الكروي‬ ‫) حةارس مرمةى وبنسةبة‬21 ‫) ح ارس مرمى اةول) اصيل وحارسين بدةء ليصةل العةدد النئةالي للعينةة الةى‬3 ‫) فرق وبواق‬7

  • This research has aimed to identify the elements of motor coordination for the goalkeepers of football, in addition to extract the distinctive function which is used in classifying the goalkeepers, the sesiety of the research has consisted of the goalkeepers of the (12) Baghdad teams participating in the Iraqi elite tournaments during 2011-2012 consisting of (36) goalkeeper, while the sample of the research has consisted (7) teams in the amount of (3) goalkeeper one to reach the number into (21) one (58,33%), the discrimination analysis has been used for classification, and the classification equation has been reached

  • The researchers have concluded to: 1. The equation of discrimination function has been reached which were by 10 variables for the purpose of classification and selection among the goalkeepers

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