
FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) mutation in T lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma (T-LL) is rare (∼4%) and reported only in cases with CD117 expression. This study aimed to identify the immunophenotypic features that may predict FLT3 mutations. We report 3 (43%) of 7 CD117(+) T-LL cases harboring FLT3-internal tandem duplication mutation. Compared with 4 FLT3-unmutated cases, all 3 FLT3-mutated cases had a distinct immunophenotype (CD1a(-)/CD2(+)/CD7(+)/CD34(+)/CD117(uniform+)/Tdt(+)) corresponding to the stage of earliest thymic T-cell progenitors possessing myeloid lineage potential. Indeed, all FLT3-mutated T-LL cases expressed myeloperoxidase on a very small subset of blasts and, thus, may be further considered a mixed phenotype acute leukemia, T/myeloid, by the 2008 World Health Organization classification scheme. We conclude that this unique immunophenotype (CD1a(-)/CD2(+)/CD7(+)/CD34(+)/CD117(+)/Tdt(+)) is a better predictor of FLT3 mutation than sole CD117 expression.

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