
What does it mean to say that two items of information are similar? What does it mean to say that information is preserved by some process? These questions are central to a theory of quantum information processing, and the purpose of this chapter is the development of distance measures giving quantitative answers to these questions. Motivated by our two questions we will be concerned with two broad classes of distance measures, static measures and dynamic measures . Static measures quantify how close two quantum states are, while dynamic measures quantify how well information has been preserved during a dynamic process. The strategy we take is to begin by developing good static measures of distance, and then to use those static measures as the basis for the development of dynamic measures of distance. There is a certain arbitrariness in the way distance measures are defined, both classically and quantum mechanically, and the community of people studying quantum computation and quantum information has found it convenient to use a variety of distance measures over the years. Two of those measures, the trace distance and the fidelity , have particularly wide currency today, and we discuss both these measures in detail in this chapter. For the most part the properties of both are quite similar, however for certain applications one may be easier to deal with than the other. It is for this reason and because both are widely used within the quantum computation and quantum information community that we discuss both measures.

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