
The article is devoted to the analysis of training methods in higher educational institutions, the comparison of the main characteristics of the educational process in institutions of full-time and distance learning, their disadvantages in modern conditions are identified, the main advantages of distance learning, compared to the ways of providing and processing information, the interaction of teachers and students of different forms of education, the application of methods of facilitation and development of cognitive flexibility in modern distance education are considered. The directions of distance learning influence on the process of formation of students' creativity and freedom of opinions, ability to search for solutions, and aspiration to self-education are described. The relationship between the methods of facilitation and formation of cognitive flexibility in students' education is revealed. The main directions of self-improvement and peculiar characteristics of teachers who can perform the functions of a facilitator of the educational process are described. The influence of the teacher-facilitator and distance education methods directly as a facilitator of the process of formation of cognitive flexibility of students is considered.

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