
This article presents a new tool to be used in distance learning courses: Structured Knowledge Maps. The method is best adapted to what one wants to teach/transmit (explicit/tacit knowledge), personalizing the didactic material to the student and equalizing the necessary knowledge for all the learners in the same class, that is, if the student performed the TAQ and was qualified, when participating in each stage of the course he or she will be in an equal position with the other students to acquire the knowledge. This makes teaching democratic, as educators like to say that this is necessary but fail to do. This tool, applied to Distance Learning or EAD as is it known in Brazil, aims to guarantee the effectiveness of learning, in addition to ensuring the memorization of the acquired knowledge and, consequently, the permanence of the student throughout the course. Based on the Theory of Categories and Theory of Functors, the tool is constituted by a Radius of Knowledge and an Area of Ignorance, which applied, in parallel to the Method of Effective Memorization in the Binary Base 2n, contributes to the creation of a new model of Distance Learning. In this process, we consider the aspects of the Complex Systems Theory that demonstrate failures in the application of the current Distance Learning model used not only in Brazil but in the vast majority of Distance Learning courses that exist today all over the world. In this way, considering the dynamicity of learning and the transmission of knowledge, the Structured Knowledge Maps ensure plasticity in the teaching-learning process, allowing the student to go through as many branches of knowledge and concepts as necessary to start a new Ray of Knowledge, prerequisites required to initiate the initial Ray of Knowledge, ensuring that it will only pass to another Ray of Knowledge when all Area of Ignorance is eliminated, in other words, when all questions are cleared. Learning is confirmed when the student undergoes a non-dual evaluation process which ensures that what was taught was effectively learned.

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