
Given $$\lambda >0$$ , an undirected complete graph $$G=(V,E)$$ with nonnegative edge-weight function obeying the triangle inequality and a depot vertex $$r\in V$$ , a set $$\{C_1,\ldots ,C_k\}$$ of cycles is called a $$\lambda $$ -bounded r-cycle cover if $$V \subseteq \bigcup _{i=1}^k V(C_i)$$ and each cycle $$C_i$$ contains r and has a length of at most $$\lambda $$ . The Distance Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem with the objective of minimizing the total cost (DVRP-TC) aims to find a $$\lambda $$ -bounded r-cycle cover $$\{C_1,\ldots ,C_k\}$$ such that the sum of the total length of the cycles and $$\gamma k$$ is minimized, where $$\gamma $$ is an input indicating the assignment cost of a single cycle. For DVRP-TC on tree metric, we show a 2-approximation algorithm and give an LP relaxation whose integrality gap lies in the interval [2, $$\frac{5}{2}$$ ]. For the unrooted version of DVRP-TC, we devise a 5-approximation algorithm and give an LP relaxation whose integrality gap is between 2 and 25. For unrooted DVRP-TC on tree metric we develop a 3-approximation algorithm. For unrooted DVRP-TC on line metric we obtain an $$O(n^3)$$ time exact algorithm, where n is the number of vertices. Moreover, we give some examples to demonstrate that our results can also be applied to the path-version of (unrooted) DVRP-TC.

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