
Background: Distal tibial fracture is a common results of road traffic accidents and fall injuries. The treatment of tibial fractures is very important and this bone is very subcutaneous associated with soft tissue injury and precarious blood supply. Distal tibial fractures require accurate reduction, followed by perfect articular reduction then stable fixation with minimally stripping of soft tissues. Aim: Distal tibial fractures managed by minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis: a prospective study. Methodology: The prospective study was taken in GMC Jammu from 2019 -2020 in Department of Orthopaedics. All patients are approved by the ethical clearance of the same hospital from 2019-2020. 32 cases of the distal tibial fracture is were admitted according to which twenty two male and ten females. All the necessary data collected and reported to separate sheets. Results: In our study two age group were taken 19-40 and 41-60. About 19-40 group was majority in fractures distal tibia. In our observation around 22 males and around 10 females were noted. Around 68.7% were males and around 31.2% were females they were affected. In our observation closed or open fractures is noted and around 75% (24) patients are closed and 25% (8) patients were open. In our observation AO/OTA classification 43-A1 is the most common classification which was around 65.6% (21) patients then 43-A2 is the 15.6%, 43-A3 is about 12.5% and 43-B1 is around 6.2%. Conclusion: In our study it is concluded that all the fracture are due to road traffic accidents and fall from height. In our patients around superficial infection, varus angulation and implant failures are very less and similar to other studies done by other authors. Soft tissues handling and the minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis (MIPPO) allows early rehabilitation and excellent functional outcome. Keywords: disital tibia, MIPPO, closed fractures.

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