
Abstract Dissolved organic C (DOC) plays an important role in the mobilization of As from sediments. In West Bengal, the widely used technique for obtaining jute fiber involves retting of the jute plant in ponds (hereafter such ponds are termed jute decomposing ponds) for several weeks, which produces significant amounts of DOC in the ponds. These ponds thus act as point sources of DOC and supply huge quantities of organic C to the Bengal Delta sediments. This study has been carried out to investigate the role of such DOC in enriching the groundwater with As in the Bengal Delta. Data clearly show that due to the effect of DOC, As is mobilized from the upper 2.6 m of the sediment profile, and is fixed between 2.6 and 6.1 m, while the lower part (6.1–9 m) largely remains unaffected. The reducing conditions mainly developed due to the decay of the percolating DOC seem to help the mobilization and transportation of As and other redox sensitive elements (Fe, Mn), as well as elements (Cu, Zn) attached to oxy-hydroxides of those redox-sensitive elements. Experiments also indicate that if the DOC production at the surface continues for a longer period of time, the zone of As fixation (2.6–6.1 m) may get shifted further downwards and ultimately intercept the water table resulting in As enrichment of groundwater.

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