
A primary motivation for studying topological matter regards the protection of topological order from its environment. In this work, we study a topological emitter array coupled to an electromagnetic environment. The photon-emitter coupling produces nonlocal interactions between emitters. Using periodic boundary conditions for all ranges of environment-induced interactions, the chiral symmetry inherent to the emitter array is preserved. This chiral symmetry protects the Hamiltonian and induces parity in the Lindblad operator. A topological phase transition occurs at a critical photon-emitter coupling related to the energy spectrum width of the emitter array. Interestingly, the critical point nontrivially changes the dissipation rates of edge states, yielding a dissipative topological phase transition. In the protected topological phase, edge states suffer from environment-induced dissipation for weak photon-emitter coupling. However, strong coupling leads to robust dissipationless edge states with a window at the emitter spacing. Our work shows the potential to manipulate topological quantum matter with electromagnetic environments.

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