
Not long after metastable xenon was photoionized in a magneto-optical trap, groups in Europe and North America found that similar states of ionized gas evolved spontaneously from state-selected, high principal quantum number Rydberg gases. Studies of atomic xenon and molecular nitric oxide entrained in a supersonically cooled molecular beam subsequently showed much the same final state evolved from a sequence of prompt Penning ionization and electron-impact avalanche to plasma, well-described by coupled rate-equation simulations. But, measured over longer times, the molecular ultracold plasma was found to exhibit an anomalous combination of very long lifetime and very low apparent electron temperature. This review first summarizes early developments in the general study of ultracold plasmas formed by atomic and molecular Rydberg gases, and then turns to describe the particular properties of the nitric oxide molecular ultracold plasma that appear to call for an explanation beyond the realm of conventional plasma physics.

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