
An investigation has been done on the very low-frequency electrostatic drift waves in a collisional dusty plasma. The dust density gradient is taken perpendicular to the magnetic field \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\begin{document}$\overrightarrow{B_{0}}$\end{document}B0⃗, which causes the drift wave. In this case, low-frequency drift instabilities can be driven by \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\begin{document}$\overrightarrow{E_{1}}\times \overrightarrow{B_{0}}$\end{document}E1⃗×B0⃗ and diamagnetic drifts, where \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}\begin{document}$\overrightarrow{E_{1}}$\end{document}E1⃗ is the perturbed electric field. Dust charge fluctuation is also taken into consideration for our study. The dust- neutral and ion-neutral collision terms have been included in equations of motion. It is seen that the low-frequency drift instability gets damped in such a system. Both dust charging and collision of plasma particles with the neutrals may be responsible for the damping of the wave. Both analytical and numerical techniques have been used while developing the theory.

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