
The aim of this work is to analyze the consequences of heat conductivity in evolutionary regimes of axially symmetric cosmic configuration within the context of the Palatini f(R) gravity. The modified gravitational field equations are applied to the proposed configurations. The effects of proposed formalism are observed on kinematical quantities. We study the thermodynamical aspects of the self-gravitating radiating matter configuration coupled with vorticity through transport equation. We also analyze the consequences of effective-inertial-mass-density factor through the coupling of heat conduction and the modified Euler equation. It is discovered that the effective-inertial-mass-density is caused by the interactions between the temperature of the dissipative configuration and the fluid’s four-acceleration. We also explore the time propagation equations for certain kinematical quantities, and examine the influence of Palatini f(R) structure scalars on their evolution. It is concluded that vorticity and the scalars (YI, YII and YKL) play an important role in revealing the significant effects of anisotropy of the source. These constituents govern the shearing motion of our relativistic anisotropic and radiating cosmic configuration.

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