
Reversed field pinch (RFP) plasmas are subject to tearing instability that creates a broad spectrum of magnetic fluctuations. The dominant fluctuations have poloidal and toroidal mode numbers (m,n)=(1,6−10) and can grow to 2–3% of the mean magnetic field. Through nonlinear coupling, this growth culminates in a strong reconnection event and broadening of the magnetic spectrum extending to the ion gyroradius scale. Multiple developments occur during the reconnection stage: ions and electrons are energized, magnetic fluctuation amplitudes increase, plasma flow is halted, and the toroidal magnetic flux increases in a sawtooth-like fashion as the RFP dynamo becomes stronger. Magnetic fluctuations are measured in the plasma edge at multiple radial locations from r/a = 0.75 to 0.96 to assess and characterize the magnetic turbulence. The measured spectrum perpendicular to the mean field, S(k⊥), can be fit to a model spectrum consisting of power-law and exponential component with one free parameter that characterizes dissipation. The measured dissipation is much larger than estimated from classical viscous or resistive dissipation, but it is consistent with a flow damping measurement of anomalous viscosity. The measurements show an evolution of the spectrum during which fluctuation power builds up in the smallest wavenumbers and cascades to the larger wavenumber due to the nonlinear coupling between the linear (m, n) = (1, > 6) and the nonlinear (m, n) = (0, 1) tearing modes.

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