
DIC is a life-threatening complication of several disease states. It is characterized by systemic activation of the hemostasis system. In many instances the release of tissue factor (TF) from endothelial cells or other circulating cells triggers the system. Initially, the increased activation can be compensated for by the natural inhibitor systems, a state referred to as compensated DIC. As the trigger persists, inhibitors will be consumed leading to more coagulation. In this process many clotting factors, most notably fibrinogen and platelets are consumed, resulting eventually in a complete breakdown of the hemostasis system. This results in a profuse and diffuse bleeding tendency or decompensated DIC. The term consumptive coagulopathy denotes this process. Of crucial importance is the fate of fibrin that is formed from fibrinogen by thrombin. If the fibrinolytic system is insufficiently activated, fibrin will be deposited in the microcirculation leading to MODS. This will not occur if the fibrinolytic system is fully activated. The clinical suspicion of DIC must be confirmed by laboratory tests and decreasing fibrinogen levels and platelet counts support the diagnosis. The determination of D-dimer, fibrin(ogen) split products (FSP) and soluble fibrin monomer (FM) further support the diagnosis. FM suggest the presence of thrombin, FSP the generation of plasmin, and D-dimer, both thrombin and plasmin. While the tests are not specific for DIC, they can be helpful, in the proper clinical setting, to diagnose decompensated or acute DIC. The tests are not useful for the diagnosis of compensated DIC, except for D-dimer, FSP, and FM if elevated. Compensated DIC can be diagnosed by molecular markers of in vivo hemostasis activation, such as thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) complexes, prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (F 1 + 2), or plasmin-antiplasmin (PAP) complexes. For the treatment of DIC it is imperative to remove the triggering underlying disease. The consumption of coagulation constituents can be corrected by cryoprecipitate, platelet concentrates, and fresh frozen plasma, if needed. This may reduce the bleeding tendency. Arrest of the activated hemostasis system by heparins, either subcutaneous in low doses or intravenous in therapeutic doses, is only recommended in patients with compensated DIC. If the patient bleeds, heparins should not be given. The administration of concentrates of natural anticoagulants, i.e., antithrombin, protein C, or tissue factor pathway inhibitor are safer than heparins since they do not exacerbate the bleeding tendency. These concentrates were found to be very effective in animal models of DIC; human experience is still limited. Generally, the earlier treatment is initiated, the better the patient's prognosis.

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