
The v-Abl protein tyrosine kinase encoded by Abelson murine leukemia virus (Ab-MLV) induces pre-B-cell transformation. Signals emanating from the SH2 domain of the protein are required for transformation, and several proteins bind this region of v-Abl. One such protein is the adaptor molecule Shc, a protein that complexes with Grb2/Sos and facilitates Ras activation, an event associated with Ab-MLV transformation. To test the role this interaction plays in growth and survival of infected pre-B cells, dominant-negative (DN) Shc proteins were coexpressed with v-Abl and transformation was examined. Expression of DN Shc reduced Ab-MLV pre-B-cell transformation and decreased the ability of v-Abl to stimulate Ras activation and Erk phosphorylation in a Raf-dependent but Rac-independent fashion. Further analysis revealed that Shc is required for v-Abl-mediated Raf tyrosine 340 and 341 phosphorylation, an event associated with Erk phosphorylation. In contrast to effects on proliferation, survival of the cells and activation of Akt were not affected by expression of DN Shc. Together, these data reveal that v-Abl-Shc interactions are a critical part of the growth stimulatory signals delivered during transformation but that they do not affect antiapoptotic pathways. Furthermore, these data highlight a novel role for Shc in signaling from v-Abl to Raf.

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