
It was no coincidence that notable baseball club of young ladies took field in upstate New York village of Peterboro. The sponsors were well known political figures, committed to cause of equal rights for women. Gerrit Smith was as radical as he was wealthy, an old friend of Frederick Douglass John Brown. In spring of 1851, Smith's daughter, Elizabeth Miller, disgusted with difficulty of working in long skirts of period, had designed more comfortable outfit, consisting of Turkish trousers beneath short dress. Her idea was soon adopted by other feminists, including her cousin, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, their friend Amelia Bloomer, who popularized costume in her magazine, The Lily.1Conservative commentators of both sexes dismissed notion of sharing nation's diamonds with women. A columnist for Ladies' Repository listed number of suitable outdoor activities for girls, but stated flatly that Base Ball would seem so far out of line of feminine pursuits that nothing need be said of it.2 Mr. Hooper of Appleton's Magazine argued that National Pastime's moral influence was shown by its exclusion of opposite sex, noting proudly that women are soliciting office demanding franchise, base ball clubs are only accessible to men.3The new organization was there to give them lie. Word of their innovation spread quickly, thanks to Mrs. Cady Stanton, who shared news with her many contacts in press. On August 13, 1868, Buffalo Courier Republic summarized her report, noting that Nannie Miller, granddaughter of Gerrit Smith's, is captain, handles bat with grace strength worthy of note. It was pretty sight to see girls with their white dresses blue ribbons flying, in full possession of public square last Saturday afternoon, while boys were quiet spectators of scene. An engraved illustration, showing club at play, helped reinforce message.4Others soon adopted notion. The following season, Cincinnati, home of undefeated Red Stockings, also hosted club entirely of young ladies, who play very well.5 In Evansville, Illinois, students of female seminary followed suit. call themselves Dianas, noted Oliver Optic's Magazine, and they lately received challenge from Baltic club of Chicago, Juniors.6 The movement spread as far south as Columbus, Georgia, in 1872, Appleton's reported that the swiftest 'pitch' in country is young woman, aged 23, belonging to Minnesota female base ball club.7In early 1870s, focus of organized baseball shifted from clubs of gentlemen amateurs (more or less) to lineups composed of best available professional players. In fall of 1875, readers of New York Clipper, which featured sports theater, learned thatthe latest commotion in base ball line is formation of club composed of young ladies-9 blondes 9 brunettes-at Springfield, Ill. The originators of idea, Frank Myers, S. B. Brock, Thomas Halligan, under impression that there is money in it, propose to give exhibitions in principal cities, depending on novelty of thing to render it success.8The first game of baseball ever played in public for gate money between feminine ball-tossers took place in Illinois capital on September 11. The press was advised that players were a selected troupe of girls of reputable character who have shown some degree of aptitude in ball playing. The Clipper's correspondent noted thatboth clubs wear handsome new uniform, which does not differ materially from those worn by ordinary clubs. The Brunettes wear white suits trimmed with blue. The Blondes wear blue suits trimmed with white. They also have light leather gloves, use lighter ball than that required by rules. The bases field are trifle over half ordinary field, bases being only 50 feet apart. …

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