
This article analyzes Legal Protection for Complete Systematic Land Registration (Pendaftaran Tanah Secara Sistematis Lengkap) or PTSL and Dispute Resolution in PTSL.This research is an empirical legal research with statutory approach, case approach, concept approach, and legal sociology approach. The results of this study indicate that legal protection for certificate holders in the PTSL Program is not absolute and only strong because the land registration system in Indonesia adheres to a negative publication system. Dispute settlement in the PTSL Program is resolved through the Non-Litigation and Litigation channels. Based on research at the Gianyar Regency Badan Pertanahan Nasional Office (BPN) or National Land Agency Office and the Tabanan Regency BPN Office, disputes over Overlapping Certificates and Inheritance Disputes dispute settlement through Non-Litigation Methods are carried out by means of Mediation accompanied by a Mediator, which Overlapping Disputes Pays little attention to the elements of Theory Legal Justice because there is no settlement procedure, whereas inheritance disputes have fulfilled the elements of the Theory of Justice where there is a fair procedure in the stages of settlement. Based on the results of research at the Tabanan Regency BPN Office and Karangasem Regency BPN There is a Customary Land Claim Dispute which was resolved through the Litigation Line at the District Court was decided based on considerations of coherence between Physical Data and Juridical Data in the issuance of Certificates of Land Rights which are in accordance with the Theory of the Legal System reflects the Substance The law has clear rules in the judge's considerations, the legal structure has law enforcement officers formed from the legal system, in this case the Adjudication Committee and Judges at the District Court, the Community's Legal Culture towards the PTSL Program reflects that there is still bad faith from the community in submitting its registration.

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