
Osseous dysplasia generally is a radiographic finding because, for themost part, it does not cause clinical changes. However, a new subtype ofdysplasia that affects primarily middle-aged black women and promotesexpansion of the involved cortical bone has been reported as ExpansiveOsseous Dysplasia. The aim of this article is to report two cases ofFlorida Osseous Dysplasia with expressive expansion and perforationof the osseous cortex involved. The first case reports a 46-year-oldblack female patient whom was attended at the Naval Dental Centerrequiring indirect restoration in one tooth. Clinical examination showeda hard and increased volume at lingual portion of alveolar ridge in theregion of the lower incisors. In the panoramic radiography two mixeddensity images were observed with predominance of radiopaque areasin the apical region of the anterior inferior teeth and in the first lowerleft molar. The computed tomography showed the buccal cortex thinningand the expansion and perforation of the lingual cortex in the incisorregion. The second case presents a middle-aged brown skin patient whosought dental care to monitor a mixed lesion in the apical region of theanterior inferior teeth, lower premolars on both sides and in the thirdright lower third molar. In cone beam computed tomography, expansionand thinning of the vestibular cortex in the anterior inferior teeth wereobserved. Based on the current literature and the characteristics of bothlesions, the diagnostic hypothesis was Florida Osseous Dysplasia withexpansive aspect. The patients were advised on the importance of oralhygiene and the need for an annual follow-up of these lesions.

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