
Soil solarization greatly reduced the native chickpea Rhizobium population. With inoculation, it was possible to increase the population of the Rhizobium in solarized plots. In the 1st year, 47% nodulation was obtained with chickpea inoculant strain IC 59 when introduced with a cereal crop 2 weeks after the soil solarization and having a native Rhizobium count of <10 g-1 soil, and only 13% when introduced 16 weeks after solarization at the time the chickpeas were sown, with 2.0×102 native rhizobia g-1 soil. In the non-solarized plots inoculated with 5.6×103 native rhizobia g-1 soil, only 6% nodulation was obtained with the inoculant. In the succeeding year, non-inoculated chickpea was grown on the same plots without any solarization or Rhizobium inoculation. The treatment that showed good establishment of the inoculant strain in year 1 formed 68% inoculant nodules. Other treatments indicated a further reduction in inoculant success, from 1%–13% to 1%–9%. Soil solarization thus allowed an inoculant strain to successfully displace the high native population in the field and can serve as a research tool to compare strains in the field, irrespective of competitive ability. In year 1, Rhizobium inoculation of chickpea gave increased nodulation and increased plant growth 20 and 51 days after sowing, and increased dry matter, grain yield, and grain protein yield at maturity. These beneficial effects of inoculation on plant growth and yield were not measured in the 2nd year.

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