
An analytical description of a superconducting (SC) phase qubit coupled to a torsional resonator, which is damped by a dispersive reservoir, is presented based on the master equation. Therefore, the effect of the qubit phase damping on the dynamical behavior of the entanglement, purity loss and qubit inversion are investigated. It is found that the collapse and revival phenomena of qubit inversion are very sensitive not only to the damping parameter but also to the frequency detuning and the qubit distribution angle of the initial state. It is interesting to note that the purity of the state of the SC-qubit, which is measured by von Neumann entropy, can be completely lost due to the dispersive reservoir parameter. Because of the existence of dispersive reservoir, the von Neumann entropy cannot be a measure for the entanglement in open system. So, the negative eigenvalue of the partially transposed density matrix of qubit-resonator system is used to quantify the entanglement. For certain parameter sets, it is possible to control the degree and the dynamics of entanglement between the qubit and the torsional resonator.

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