
We study two dispersive regimes of the Dicke model in the dynamics of N two-level atoms interacting with a bosonic mode for long interaction times. Firstly, we analyze the model for the regime in which the qubit frequencies are equal and smaller than the mode frequency, and for values of the coupling strength similar or larger than the mode frequency, namely, the deep strong coupling regime. Secondly, we address an interaction that is dependent on the photon number, where the coupling strength is comparable to the geometric mean of the qubit and mode frequencies. We show that the associated dynamics is analytically tractable and provide useful frameworks with which to analyze the system behavior. In the deep strong coupling regime, we unveil the structure of unexpected resonances for specific values of the coupling, present for N ≥ 2, and in the photon-number-dependent regime we demonstrate that all the nontrivial dynamical behavior occurs in the atomic degrees of freedom for a given Fock state. We verify these assertions with numerical simulations of the qubit population and photon-statistic dynamics.

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