
1. On Perturbative Expansions to the Stochastic Flow Problem F.A. Bonilla, J.H. Cushman. 2. Recursive Conditional Moment Equations for Advective Transport in Randomly Heterogeneous Velocity Fields A. Guadagnini, S.P. Neuman. 3. The Relative Dispersion and Mixing of Passive Solutes in Transport in Geologic Media A. Fiori. 4. Comparison of Observations from a Laboratory Model with Stochastic Theory: Initial Analysis of Hydraulic and Tracer Experiments S.E. Silliman, L. Zheng. 5. Large-Time Spatial Covariance of Concentration of Conservative Solute and Application to the Cape Cod Tracer Test M. Pannone, P.K. Kitanidis. 6. Macrodispersivity and Large-Scale Hydrogeologic Variability D. McLaughlin, F. Ruan. 7. Role of Molecular Diffusion in Contaminant Migration and Recovery in an Alluvial Aquifer Ssytem E.M. LaBolle, G.E. Fogg. 8. Quantum Field Theory in the Statistical Physics of Subsurface Solute Transport G. Sposito. 9. The Tracer Transit-Time Tail in Reservoir Flows J. Koplik. 10. Fractional Dispersion, Levy Motion, and the MADE Tracer Tests D.A. Benson, R. Schumer, M.N. Meerschaert, S.W. Wheatcraft. 11. The Role of Probabilistic Approaches to Transport Theory in Heterogeneous Media B. Berkowitz, H. Scher.

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