
Using the path integration technique developed by Brusov and Popov earlier, we have calculated for the first time the dispersion corrections to the collective mode spectrum in A- and 2D- phases of superfluidHe3 for arbitrary directions of the collective excitation momentumk, taking the damping of collective modes into account. In axial-phase clapping (cl) mode remains six fold degenerate fork ∥l, while for other directions a three fold splitting takes place, which reaches a maximum fork ⊥l. The pairbreaking modes remain degenerate even taking the dispersion induced corrections into account. In the planar phase the degeneracy of clapping (cl) and quasi-Goldstone (qGd) modes depends on the direction of the collective mode momentumk with respect to the external magnetic fieldH: the mode degeneracy remains the same as in the case of zero momentumk fork ∥H only, and for any other directions two fold splitting of these modes takes place. The dispersion induced splitting of collective modes could be observed (at least in the A-phase) in sound absorption experiments.

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