
Based on an unexpected result of obtaining molecular sequence data from tropical representatives of the genus Normandina, we revised the biological concept of the neotropical taxon Marchandiomphalina foliacea. The obtained data let us conclude that M. foliacea is not a basidiomycete, as originally proposed, but belongs in Verrucariaceae, in the genus Agonimia, including its perithecia which had been identified with the lichenicolous Norrlinia peltigericola. The ITS (and nuLSU) sequences previously obtained from M. foliacea, seemingly confirming its status as a basidiomycete, are from an unmanifested lichenicolous fungus, present also in numerous specimens of Normandina. ITS data suggest the presence of seven lineages that can be recognized at the species level, forming two clusters: one cluster of three lineages found in thalli of M. foliacea, and a second cluster of four lineages found in thalli of Normandina. This pattern is similar to what has recently been found in the basidiomycete genus Cyphobasidium occurring predominantly in Parmeliaceae lichens. We propose the combination of Omphalina foliacea into the genus Agonimia, as Agonimia foliacea (P.M. Jorg.) Lucking & Moncada, comb. nov., and place Marchandiomphalina in synonymy with Agonimia. To formally recognize the unnamed lichenicolous basidiomycete present in Agonimia and Normandina thalli, we take advantage of provision ICN Art. 40.5 in the Code and describe the unmanifested fungus as a new genus, with seven new species, even if no physical type specimens can be preserved (except for the corresponding host lichens which, however, do not show the features of the fungus): Lawreymyces Lucking & Moncada, gen. nov. (Type: L. palicei), with L. bogotensis Lucking & Moncada, sp. nov., L. columbiensis Lucking & Moncada, sp. nov., L. confusus Lucking & Moncada, sp. nov., L, foliaceae Lucking & Moncada, sp. nov., L. palicei Lucking & Moncada, sp. nov., L. pulchellae Lucking & Moncada, sp. nov., and L. spribillei Lucking & Moncada, sp. nov. This opens the door to the formal recognition of thousands of species of voucherless fungi detected through environmental sequencing techniques under the current Code.

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