
High-quality (112)B HgCdTe/Si epitaxial films with a dislocation density of ∼9 × 105 cm−2 as determined by etch pit density (EPD) measurements have been obtained by thermal cyclic annealing (TCA). The reduction of the dislocation density by TCA has led to a simple rate-equation-based model to explain the relationship between dislocation density and TCA parameters (time, temperature, and number of anneals). In this model, dislocation density reduction is based on dislocation coalescence and annihilation, assumed to be caused by dislocation motion under thermal and misfit stress. An activation energy for dislocation motion in n-type (112)B HgCdTe/Si of 0.93 ± 0.1 eV was determined. This model with no adjustable parameters was used to predict recent TCA annealing results.

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