
The phenomenon of disinformation in the context of regional head elections is a big phenomenon in Indonesia. Social media is the target of the most widespread hoax, one of which was in the regional head election in West Java period 2018-2023. The targets of hoax messages were beginner voters and swing voters, considering that most social media users in Indonesia are young people with age range of 15-35 years. The purposes of this study are (1) to determine the effect of exposure to hoax news on social media on perceptions of beginner voters in determining choices in West Java Province regional head elections, (2) to find out how the influential aspects of hoax news on social media affects the perceptions of beginner voters in determining choice in West Java Province regional head elections. The research method used was quantitative explanatory survey. Results indicate that there are effects of hoax news which spread through social media for beginner voters in making choices in the West Java regional head election 2018. However, the effect is not significant. This is because beginner voters tend to see tangible evidence of the success of Rdwan Kamil while in office as Mayor of Bandung

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