
The objective of the work to develop an automated irrigation system about Arduino for hydroponic crops The system uses an Arduino ATmega328P board to connect different components, such as a real-time clock module, LCD I2c screen, two one-channel relay modules and electrical resistors; For the purpose to obtain a micro programmable controller that turns on and off the water pump of a greenhouse in times determined according to the development of the crop, particularly in lettuce crops with different varieties .For this, it’s necessary to use different control techniques and to carry out several experimental tests in order to adjust certain control parameters, especially humidity and temperature. This system was installed in the greenhouse of the Community of Mollepata in Ayacucho, within the three-year agreement "Inti, the energy that feeds the Earth" between the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga (UNSCH) and the Regional Committee of Education for Development Lanaudière International (CREDIL – JOLIETTE) - Canada.

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