
In this thesis, using techniques related to component-based software engineering, a variety of advanced controllers for a parallel robot of 3 degrees of freedom have been developed in a modular way. A novel and a complete application based on all of the above has been implemented as well. Initially, a state of the art is developed both in the software component development and advanced control for parallel manipulators. Subsequently, a methodology for the development of dynamic controllers is presented, as well as more advanced controllers such as adaptive or hybrid. Finally, a complete application for the rehabilitation of lower limbs is developed. Through the previous proposed methodologies, it has been able to discuss problems regarding the implementation of controllers for robotic systems, being the main contributions of the Thesis: - Development of modular controllers. Through an appropriate design of the controllers, the possibility of implementing them in a modular way, following a series of guidelines related to the development of software based on components, is exhibited. Thanks to this, all the advantages that this entails (in real use case) such as reusability, robustness, dynamism and cost are demonstrated. - Design and implementation of advanced dynamic controllers. Based on the development of modular controllers, several controllers have been designed, implemented and verified experimentally in which the dynamics of the system affects the main control loop. In addition, a novel adaptive control has been implemented, able to approximate parameters that affect the dynamics of the system (which are unknown or variants in time) dynamically. - Design and implementation of hybrid controllers. By integrating a force sensor into the robotic system, a new hybrid force / position controller has been developed. This controller allows the modification, at run time, of the position reference, by including the force sensor in the control loop. - Application of the technologies developed for the creation of a complete and new application. From the numerous controllers developed and the integration between different frameworks, an application to perform numerous rehabilitation exercises is presented. Also, by means of the frameworks integration, the application can be done in remotely in a controlled way.; En la presente Tesis se emplean tecnicas de la ingenieria del software basada en componentes, con el objetivo de desarrollar controladores avanzados para un robot paralelo de 3 grados de libertad, asi como crear una novedosa aplicacion partiendo de todo lo anterior. Inicialmente, se realiza un estado del arte tanto en el desarrollo de componentes software como en controladores avanzados para manipuladores paralelos. Posteriormente, se presenta la metodologia utilizada para el desarrollo de controladores dinamicos, asi como controladores mas avanzados como los adaptativos o hibridos. Finalmente, se desarrolla una aplicacion completa para la rehabilitacion de miembros inferiores. Mediante las anteriores…

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