
Muguerza is a great connoisseur of Kant, but his criticisms of the Kantian moral have been growing over time. He has dissented from the Kantian principle of universalization, has priorized the principle of autonomy and has also criticized the Kantian Kingdom of Ends, by proposing its own conception of moral individualism, based on the alternative of dissent. This article discusses some of Muguerza’s criticisms of Kant, especially those concerning the universalist and imperative character of his moral philosophy. Other objections to Kantian moral individualism are also discussed, coming from feminist ethics and from neuroethics. Finally, an axiological interpretation of morality it’s suggested, according to which Kant’s and Muguerza’s principles can be considered as conflicting values. By priorizing one or the other set of values different conceptions of ethical individualism arise.


  • Muguerza is a great connoisseur of Kant

  • moral have been growing over time

  • He has dissented from the Kantian principle of universalization

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Siendo Muguerza un gran conocedor de Kant, sus críticas a la moral kantiana han ido creciendo con el tiempo. Muguerza ha disentido del principio kantiano de universalización, ha primado el principio de autonomía y ha criticado el reino de los fines para, finalmente, ha elaborado una concepción propia del individualismo moral, basada en la alternativa del disenso. En este artículo se comentan algunas de las críticas de Muguerza a Kant, sobre todo las que atacan el carácter universalista e imperativo de la moral kantiana.

Las preguntas de Kant
Universalización e individualismo ético
Individualismo ético y neurociencias
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