
The structural and morphological changes of the Lithium superionic conductor Li10 GeP2 S12 , prepared via a widely used ball milling-heating method over a comprehensive heat treatment range (50-700 °C), are investigated. Based on the phase composition, the formation process can be distinctly separated into four zones: Educt, Intermediary, Formation, and Decomposition zone. It is found that instead of Li4 GeS4 -Li3 PS4 binary crystallization process, diversified intermediate phases, including GeS2 in different space groups, multiphasic lithium phosphosulfides (Lix Py Sz ), and cubic Li7 Ge3 PS12 phase, are involved additionally during the formation and decomposition of Li10 GeP2 S12 . Furthermore, the phase composition at temperatures around the transition temperatures of different formation zones shows a significant deviation. At 600 °C, Li10 GeP2 S12 is fully crystalline, while the sample decomposed to complex phases at 650 °C with 30wt.% impurities, including 20wt.% amorphous phases. These findings over such a wide temperature range are first reported and may help provide previously lacking insights into the formation and crystallinity control of Li10 GeP2 S12 .

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