
Fifteen years have elapsed since first publication of this volume. The first edition, rich in detail and scholarship, was judged the classic in its field; this work has maintained the same standard. Extensively rewritten, expanded, and updated, the new edition has a larger page size and 78 pages have been added. Organization of the subject includes an initial 3 chapters on normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology, followed by 3 chapters on diagnosis, 14 on various aspects of benign and malignant lesions other than adenocarcinoma, 14 on the various lesions of adenocarcinoma, and 5 on treatment. Everything one could possibly wish to know concerning the breast seems to be covered. Much of the work bears the authority of Haagensen's 40 years of experience at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center where he specialized in disease of the breast. The chapter on selection of patients for operation describes many criteria which he introduced and

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