
Alveolar macrophages (AMs) play a major role in host defense against microbial infections in the lung. To perform this function, these cells must ingest and destroy pathogens, generally in phagosomes, as well as secrete a number of products that signal other immune cells to respond. Recently, we demonstrated that murine alveolar macrophages employ the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl(-) channel as a determinant in lysosomal acidification (Di, A., Brown, M. E., Deriy, L. V., Li, C., Szeto, F. L., Chen, Y., Huang, P., Tong, J., Naren, A. P., Bindokas, V., Palfrey, H. C., and Nelson, D. J. (2006) Nat. Cell Biol. 8, 933-944). Lysosomes and phagosomes in murine cftr(-/-) AMs failed to acidify, and the cells were deficient in bacterial killing compared with wild type controls. Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in CFTR and is characterized by chronic lung infections. The information about relationships between the CFTR genotype and the disease phenotype is scarce both on the organismal and cellular level. The most common disease-causing mutation, DeltaF508, is found in 70% of patients with cystic fibrosis. The mutant protein fails to fold properly and is targeted for proteosomal degradation. G551D, the second most common mutation, causes loss of function of the protein at the plasma membrane. In this study, we have investigated the impact of CFTR DeltaF508 and G551D on a set of core intracellular functions, including organellar acidification, granule secretion, and microbicidal activity in the AM. Utilizing primary AMs from wild type, cftr(-/-), as well as mutant mice, we show a tight correlation between CFTR genotype and levels of lysosomal acidification, bacterial killing, and agonist-induced secretory responses, all of which would be expected to contribute to a significant impact on microbial clearance in the lung.


  • (PMNs)2 are recruited from the blood to sites of infection

  • The central tenet of our previously published studies, namely that the ClϪ conductance introduced into the Alveolar macrophages (AMs) lysosomal and phagosomal membrane by CFTR is used for charge neutralization of the primary Hϩ pump, enabling these organelles to develop an internal pH of ϳ5.6 [1], is the platform for the current investigation

  • A recent report from Haggie and Verkman [24] presented data that appeared to conflict with our previously published data on the involvement of CFTR in lysosomal acidification. They used the inhibitor CFTRinh-172 in a variety of cell types to re-examine whether or not CFTR was involved in phagolysosomal acidification

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(PMNs)2 are recruited from the blood to sites of infection. Mature macrophages from distinct sources exhibit significant variation in molecular and cellular properties as well as gene expression profiles specific for their host tissue, while maintaining a common set of core functions [2]. We compared the functional response of primary AMs for the four CFTR genotypes with respect to phagosomal and lysosomal acidification, bacterial killing, phagocytic index, and GTP␥S-induced secretion.

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