
6606 Background: Over the last decade, BCR-ABL inhibitors have improved clinical prognoses of pts with CML. Few studies have evaluated attributes related to CML disease and treatment and their impact on pt management in a real-world setting. This study aims to understand the impact of CML disease and treatment on quality of life (QoL), treatment adherence, and daily productivity from the pt perspective. As CML usually requires long-term therapy, it is important to understand the value of minimizing symptoms and treatment burden. Methods: This ongoing cross-sectional study of 300 pts with CML (US, n=150; Europe, n=150), sourced from National Health and Wellness Survey and Lightspeed Research Chronic Illness Panel, is assessing pt experiences using validated questionnaires, including Short Form-12, MD Anderson Symptom Inventory, Work Productivity and Activity Impairment, Cancer Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9, and pt-centric questions related to disease and treatment. CML treatment satisfaction (CTS) is assessed in a structural equation modeling framework using a maximum likelihood estimator and predictor variables from questions related to negative medication experience (composite measure of symptom occurrence, level of bothersome experience, and impact on daily activities). Standardized regression coefficients (betas) and p-values are used to evaluate CTS and pt experiences. Results: In a preliminary analysis of completed questionnaires from 75 US-based pts, median age was 49 years, 63% were female, and median time since diagnosis was 5 years (13% were within 12 months of diagnosis). Negative medication experience directly impacted CTS (beta = –0.40, p=0.001) suggesting treatment satisfaction decreased as level and impact of symptom burden increased. Most pts (95%) experienced bothersome symptoms including fatigue, diarrhea, bone pain, concentration/memory problems, and anxiety, which were reported as having most impact on normal daily routine. Conclusions: Initial findings suggest bothersome symptoms in these pts directly impact treatment satisfaction and normal daily routine. Data are being collected for the remaining cohort.

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