
The development of well-being in the population becomes an important aspect for health due to the repercussions that can bring to their lives, currently obesity is a public health problem that is characterized by being chronic disease, caused by various factors ranging from genetic, metabolic or sociocultural problems, in this regard it has been mentioned that this imbalance with a negative trend between food intake and caloric expenditure, since, there is an increase in the first and a decrease in the second, which causes Adipose tissue accumulates and body weight is raised, it has been reported that the appearance of obesity in early stages of development (childhood / adolescence), increases the possibility of prolonging it until adulthood. In Mexico, the 2016 Health and Nutrition Survey indicates that for the adult population 20 years of age or older, a combined national prevalence of overweight and obesity of 71.2% in 2012 and 72.5%. What is relevant is that the comorbidity of obesity threatens the physical and mental health of the sufferer. Under this reasoning, the condition of obesity can be permeated by various aspects previously mentioned, such as physical discomfort, anxiety, sadness, feelings of guilt, frustration, reproaches towards himself or his environment, in this regard, it could be due to the ideal of beauty that prevails today - thinness - so when compared to this ideal causes biological, physical, psychological and social changes that threaten the quality of life. Due to this, the objective of the present investigation was to know the perception that workers and workers possess of the Sistema Estatal para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (SEDIF), with overweight and obesity, regarding their lifestyles and the presence of this disease in your life.

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