
Publisher Summary This chapter reviews the progress made in developing rice that is resistant to diseases and insects. Among cereal crops, rice is the host of the largest number of diseases and insect pests. These cause serious yield loss annually. The magnitude of loss caused by diseases and insects, increases as the level of rice production per unit area increases. The chapter discusses the nature of the disease or insect, its distribution, genetic variability of the pathogen, host resistance, genetics of resistance, and breeding for resistance. Fungal diseases attack the plant foliage, stems, roots, leaf sheath, or inflorescence, and grains. Four fungal diseases: blast, sheath blight, brown spot, and narrow brown leaf spot; two bacterial diseases: bacterial blight and bacterial streak; and five virus diseases: tungro, grassy stunt, stripe, dwarf, and hoja blanca have been discussed in the chapter. To minimize yield loss from disease and insect attacks, varieties with multiple resistances to most major diseases and insects are required. Also, a systematic international survey of races or biotypes of major diseases and insects should be carried out with the use of differential varieties.

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