
<p>我國將由高齡社會進入超高齡社會,在高齡及身障人口不斷上升的同時,500 萬以上迫切需要昇降設備者 居住於 5 層樓以下無昇降設備之集合住宅,每日面臨進出不便的困境。為解決此問題,主管建築機關內政部營 建署於2011年放寬5層樓以下既有建築物增設昇降設備規定,地方政府亦配合提出補助措施鼓勵增設昇降設備, 惟仍囿於避難層出入口寬度限制而不易成案。基於此情形,本文以建築物防火避難安全性能驗證技術手冊進行 靜態評估及推導影響 5 層樓以下集合住宅整棟避難時間之因素,並結合 PATHFINDER 軟體執行避難動態模擬, 從中發現於相同收容人數時,避難層出入口寬度由 120 公分縮減為 75 公分,對完成逃生避難時間無顯著影響。 研究結果已作為主管建築機關內政部營建署修訂建築技術規則建築設計施工編第 55 條,放寬避難層出入口寬度 規定之主要依據,並有效協助推動 5 層樓以下集合住宅增設昇降設備。</p> <p> </p><p>Taiwan is during an aged society to a super-aged society. While the elderly and disable population continues rising, more than 500 million people have urgent needs with elevators but live without elevators. And cause inconvenience to their daily life. In order to solve this problem, in 2011, the construction and planning agent ministry of the interior relax some regulations on addition of elevators in apartments with 5 and below 5 stories. And local governments also provide subsidy to encourage the addition elevators. However, limited by the exit width of the refuge floor, the realized cases of addition elevators are still rare. Based on this situation, this thesis uses Verification Guideline of Buildings Evacuation Safety Performance-based Design for static evaluations and derivate the impact factors of total evacuation time in apartments with 5 and below 5 stories. And also conduct dynamic simulations with PATHFINDER. As a result, fix the number of people in apartments with 5 and below 5 stories, there is no significant effect with total evacuation time when reduce the exit width from 120cm to 75cm. This result can be the key according for the construction and planning agent ministry of the interior amend article 55 of Building Technical Regulations to relax exit width of refuge floor. And promote the addition elevators in apartments with 5 and below 5 stories.</p> <p> </p>

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