
With the development of market economy in our country, catering business has become very important in the industry of our country's economy. The development of enterprises in the food process, the personnel have become increasingly prominent. Human Resources have become a key factor in the healthy development of the company. Employees are the core strength of catering enterprises. Enthusiasm and creativity of the staff directly determines the level of quality of service. If you want to achieve sustainable development, the key is to attract and retain good employees. So an effective incentive to impose the measures to fully mobilize their enthusiasm is the key. Desheng Hotel, is a main restaurant, leisure, entertainment, accommodation, food, supplemented by medium-sized enterprises, by the senior management, professional and technical staff, front desk personnel and logistics management and other types of staff. Able to provide food and beverage, entertainment, rest and so comprehensive, high quality train services. As market competition becomes more intense, a change in business efficiency, brain drain faster, talent shortage is serious. Currently, the development of rational and efficient incentives for employees Bauhinia Hotel is crucial, and urgent.

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