
I appreciate the invitation to comment on this paper by S. Jane Jollineau, Tom Vance, and Alan Webb (Jollineau et al. 2012). It is an interesting piece of research, and reading it brought several (somewhat disparate) issues to mind. These issues include the role of intuitive theory in experimental research, the limits of experimental research for examining effect sizes, and the values that our community holds with regard to deception in experimentation. In choosing these particular issues, I will admit to being somewhat opportunistic in that I have chosen issues about which I have strong opinions. Thus, I will use this paper as a jumping-off point, and freely stray away from the details of this paper and toward these larger issues. Whereas most of my attention will be dedicated to addressing these issues, I will arrive at them in due course, following a standard outline of review. That is, I will first summarize the primary strengths of the paper, and then move on to summarize my interpretations, concerns, and thoughts (both with regard to theory and predictions and experimental methods). Finally, I will discuss briefly some potential extensions.

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